Kingsley Hall Community Centres Heritage Committee
Terms of Reference
Aims and Objectives:
The Heritage Committee exists to maintain and preserve the heritage of both Kingsley Hall Community Centre, Bow [KHCC Bow] and Kingsley Hall Church and Community Centre, Dagenham [KHCCC Dagenham] including the work of people significant to either or both bodies. This will support the achievement of KHCC Bow’s charitable object “to maintain and enhance the fabric of Kingsley Hall, a listed building, to maintain and preserve the heritage of Kingsley Hall, and to maintain and preserve the Gandhi Cell (the small room Gandhi stayed in on the top floor) as an historical place of peace”. To this end, the Heritage Committee aims to
explore, interpret and celebrate the Kingsley Halls’ past as an inspiring component of their present activities and future development;
preserve archives and other items relating to the Kingsley Halls’ heritage and legacy and make them accessible to the public;
supplement and enhance the existing archives and other heritage items by collecting other relevant material;
develop creative means of engaging local people in heritage activities;
build and develop partnerships with related organisations;
seek funds as necessary to continue maintaining and improving standards of storage and accessibility of heritage materials.
Structure of Committee:
a) The Committee will report to the Committee of Trustees of Kingsley Hall Community Centre, Bow.
b) In event of the Trustees of KHCC Bow no longer wishing to retain responsibility for the work of the Committee, the Trustees of KHCCC Dagenham will be invited to take over responsibility for the Committee.
c) In the event that neither Kingsley Hall is willing and able to take responsibility, the Committee members at that time will decide whether to continue the work of the Committee on a basis to be defined by them.
d) The Committee will consist of at least foure members including at least one Trustee and one other member representing KHCC Bow and 2 members nominated by KHCCC Dagenham. To be reviewed annually after the AGM by the Committee of Trustees.
e) The quorum shall be at least half of the Committee members. No decisions of a financial nature, or involving disposing or moving of heritage assets shall be taken in the absence of a KHCC Bow Trustee or their representative with delegate authority
f) Extra members with rights to vote would be agreed by all the members, with Trustees having final say, bearing in mind skill needs.
g) All meetings will be open to anybody who wishes to participate in, and support
Heritage activities, but only the members have voting rights.
h) The Committee will meet at least 4 times each calendar year.
i) Chair and Minute-taker roles to be reviewed every 3 meetings, chosen by the group. Chair draws up Agenda. Minutes to be emailed out within 3 days of the meeting.
j) All decisions to be by consensus. Where consensus is not reached, decision taking will involve Officers or other Trustees of KCC Bow.
k) Emergency and ad hoc meetings can be called by the Chair or by a quorum of the Committee.
l) Committee minutes to be routinely available at the KHCC Bow Trustee meetings.
Rev 2.5 150418 18 April 2015